Mr. Susan at home
Good News, we’ve been busy in our kitchen to provide you with more deliciousness. You are no longer bound to opening hours, simply order online to get your Mr. Susan cravings anytime. Food and drinks (except our beer) are all produced in our own kitchen. Best ingredients, hand made, labeled and sealed with extra love.
Hooray, Shop Away!
P.S. We‘re always curious and excited to see what comes out, so share your results!
Going back to the Korean roots; an ancient family recipe is available for home cooking. We’re curious to see what comes out of your kitchen!
Side note; be careful opening your jar as it might pop and bloom. Recommend to be opened over the sink, and not wearing anything white…
Need some Mr. Susan vibes at home? No problem! We teamed up with Kochtail: our favourite Kitchen & Bar Shop in Berlin. Next to all the necessary glassware and bar tools they offer our complete product range;
Go-Chu-Jang (Korean Sauce)
Bourbon Pickled Jalapeños
Soy Pickled Garlic
Pickled Cocktail Onions
Santo Negroni
Minty Daiquiri
Best thing; they are happy to send everything you need wherever you need. And yes, that means Europe wide.
Click on link for some fun shopping.